STEM Champions in the Making…

The rapid increase in interconnectivity and smart automation has accelerated the changes in technology, industries and processes. These changes have led us to what is now termed as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 that embraces the computerization in smart factories. This requires improved capacities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematical (STEM) fields. It is predicted that 80% of the jobs created in the Industry, 4.0 will require some form of mathematics and science skills, labelled as 21st-century skills or STEM skills. 

Many girls and women are held back by biases, social norms and expectations influencing the quality of the education they receive and the subjects they study. Recent data reports that despite 43% of Indian women graduating from STEM fields, only 14% actually take up jobs in these fields.

With the goal of making STEM education more accessible for students of the underserved community, especially girls, CYDA has been working with schools and communities to provide an exciting hands-on/exploratory learning experience to the students and at the same time help to improve their analytical and problem-solving skills.

CYDA’s STEM program motivates and encourages students to choose science, technology, engineering and mathematics as fields of study. It supports the development of skills including creativity, critical analysis, teamwork, independent thinking, initiative communication, digital literacy and problem-solving. The program also works with teachers to convert traditional teaching method into fun, innovative and interactive learning method.  CYDA has trained almost 2000 adolescents on STEM


Interested to know more about our program Contact us now!

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